Wednesday, September 3, 2008


It's been a quiet week at the Cummins home-but tonight, we got some blog action. Jonah's latest phrase is "Let go!" Much to my dismay, he says so quite emphatically and defiantly at the worst times. This evening, his demand was made at an ironic moment in which his baby brother obliged him. Brady was standing at the foot of the couch...and let go for the first time ever! He balanced for about 10 seconds before plopping down on his bottom. It was very exciting (you had to be here). The first time's always the hardest, but from then on, it's practice makes perfect. As the evening wore on, he continued to try out his new skill. He was an early crawler, an early cruiser, and it looks like walking is just around the corner. Additionally, we are starting to hear the beginnings of his first word (besides mama and dada). Monday afternoon, while Jeff and I were out on an errand (yes, we missed the actual moment) Brady was playing on the floor and got ahold of the phone. He turned it in his hand, put it to his ear and said "Hooooo." He is such a sponge! Keep sopping it up, baby-learn, learn, learn.

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