Friday, July 25, 2008

Going Green

Our household has been on the 'green' bandwagon for some time now. Upon reflection, I am proud that what began as simply going along with the social trend, has really become a way of life for us. I wouldn't exactly call us tree huggers, but we are much more conscious of our family's carbon footprint. Our changes are small but significant. We recycle, take canvas totes to the store, buy organic whenever possible, buy local and in season produce, try to minimize unnecessary energy usage, and I've swapped out ALL of my faithful toxic cleaning products for non-toxic, environmentally friendly ones. This last one was a toughy. As most of you know, I can be a bit of a cleaning fanatic. It was really tough not to place my favorite all purpose cleanser in the shopping cart, in exchange for Clorox's Green Works. I just thought of my children though, and their little lungs. That was all it took. Future plans include a possible garden in our back yard so that we can start growing our own produce. Jonah and I have already started that process-last month we planted a tomato plant. It is coming along nicely-in fact I think it might be ready to be planted outside. Can't wait to taste those tomatoes!

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