Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Best Christmas

This year's Christmas was probably the most special that I've ever experienced. Although we weren't able to buy our boys all of the things that we would have liked, we had a few special gifts under the tree for them. Material objects aside, it seems this holiday held more meaning than others past. In fact, I believe that because the presents were few, the other blessings of the season were magically magnified, and I am so grateful for that. This year, I was able to witness our two-year old develop an understanding of the Christmas season in more ways than one. First off, he spent many happy moments announcing "Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas," at the top of his little lungs, pretending to be Santa Claus. Secondly, my boys enjoyed not only the more secular symbols that come with the holiday, such as the tree and the presents underneath, the reindeer and the snowmen that adorned houses and stores, but also learned the real reason for the season and that was very special for us as a family. Most of all, I think that our hearts were really warmed because in their own little toddler way, they seemed to understand that Christmas is more about giving than receiving. In so many ways, we have seen this demonstrated in their play and in their conversation. It creates a joy that words can hardly express. Additionally, Jonah has learned the lyrics to more than one Christmas song, including Jingle Bells and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Hearing his little voice sing the melody to those tunes is more precious than anything that could be wrapped underneath the tree.

Christmas morning was spent at our house, and after the boys opened their presents, Jeff played the music from our blog, while they continued to discover the wonder of their toys. I retreated to the kitchen to cook the ham and sides that I would take to my mother's house in the afternoon. Once we arrived at Ama's (the boys' name for my mom) we had Christmas dinner. Afterward came the best part. Jeff dressed up as Santa Claus and came through the front door jingling bells. He paid Jonah and Brady a visit-Jonah was surprisingly cautious but pleasant, while Brady threw a screaming fit at the sight of the jolly man in red, perhaps because he was so up close and personal. We all laughed and encouraged the boys to sit on Santa's lap. Once he left, Jeff miraculously appeared (having been in the bathroom the whole time, so we told the boys). He missed seeing Santa, just like Clark Kent always misses Superman.

We closed the evening with dessert and a short animated movie called "Santa and the Three Bears," a really precious little film from my childhood that I wanted to share with my own children. Watching them watch the same movie that I saw every year as a little girl warmed my heart so very much-and those dear friends and family are the reasons why I say that this year's Christmas was the best I've ever spent. I hope that yours was as special with your loved ones. From our family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

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