Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We could have skipped this milestone

The majority of the time, our new experiences as parents are joyous ones, worthy of celebration. This was not the case tonight... I've walked by it hundreds of times over the past two years. It rests on our refrigerator door amid dozens of other magnets. Currently, it keeps the recipe for pecan pie (recently prepared for Thanksgiving) neatly in place. I've even stared at the name and phone number boldly displayed on its surface, never really taking it in, but thank goodness my subconscious knew of its existence. Wondering what on earth I'm referring to...that's it, you guessed it. Tonight, unfortunately, we placed a call to the POISON CENTER HOTLINE!!!

Both our boys are fine. As it turns out, our scare was pretty mild, but it sure caused some calm panic. Long story short-Brady ingested some Desitin, the little stinker! At fourteen months old, he is still putting anything and everything into his mouth. It's not the first time that he has gotten a hold of the tube of diaper creme, but it is the first time that he's gotten it open. The man I spoke with at the center, took Brady's name and our zip code, and then informed me that this was actually a very common call and that Desitin is "mostly" safe. A small amount probably would not affect him, so I was told, and a large amount would likely give him a stomach ache and cause diarrhea. As it turns out, the worst side affect was a bad taste in his mouth-so indicated by the look on his face. We did the best we could, having flushed his mouth out with water and wiped his tongue (we just happen to use the thick and creamy formula).

In the end, after all the panic, and rushed activity, we put him to bed and breathed a sigh of relief that we survived the ordeal!

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