Sunday, August 10, 2008

Busy Boy Brady

Yesterday afternoon, my precious baby developed his first cold. It seems to have come from out of nowhere. By nightfall it was full-blown and oh, how he suffered in his sleep. My usually bubbly boy has watery, droopy eyes, a mess of a runny nose, and is sneezing up a storm. Although I am very happy that he went almost 10 months without any illnesses, I still wish that he didn't have to deal with this one. Brady's a trooper though. He is still cruising around the house and attempting to get into everything possible, but his spunk seems to be on hold. This morning's first diaper change occurred without incident. Instead of the usual rolling over and attempts to crawl away, he just lay there cooperatively. When I put him down for his morning nap a while ago, he surrendered easily-almost gratefully. I know he'll be okay, but the question is, will I survive? I can't stand hearing my little one struggle to breath while he sleeps-and what about Jonah? How do I keep him from catching the cold. I really don't want to have two sick boys on my hands, but I can't very well follow Brady around all day with an antibacterial wipe, can I ? It would be impossible to keep them away from each other. Oh well, we'll make it through somehow...

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