Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jeff's 34th Birthday

We labored and labored over how to spend Jeff's birthday this year. We could go see Wicked again, we thought, but that idea was quickly discarded. How about a fancy dinner out of town somewhere...nah, not into it. Idea after idea was considered, then rejected...until finally, the light bulb shone brilliantly! Disneyland-without the boys!!! We can do The Matterhorn, Indiana Jones, Big Thunder Mountain, Splash MOUNTAIN, SPACE MOUNTAIN, each recitation became louder and louder until we were as excited as kids in a candy store. So we did it. We left Brady and Jonah in the loving and capable hands of their Ama (Grandma) and took off for a fantastic day at the 'happiest place on earth' sans children. No Fantasy Land for us...the Pooh ride, I think not. Today we are not parents, we are big kids! Happy Birthday Jeff!

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