Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Appy Boothday Mommy!

I celebrated my 32ND birthday with the people I love most in the world. Funny, I didn't expect it to be much more than the usual hoopla that comes with the day, but in spite of myself I ended up doing a lot of thinking and reflecting. Prior to becoming a mother, I would have wanted to celebrate the day big and fun. Now, I am so happy and blessed that I have a high chair on either side of me as I sit at the restaurant (P.F Chang's this year-oh so delicious) and enjoy my birthday dinner. Earlier, when I shared with Jonah that it was my birthday, he processed the information with a somewhat perplexed look on his face. He looked behind, and then directly at me. I think he was probably wondering where the Elmo balloons were ( a much enjoyed treat at Brady's recent party). After a few pensive moments, he looked up at me with his sweet little face and said "appy boothday, mommy," and there it was-the ultimate birthday gift of the year. That was the moment that made the day special-and what I deduced from my moment of reflection is that children bring an indescribable happiness to life on a completely different level.

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