Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Things I love about Brady:
1. has a smile for everyone
2. tries the impossible
3. shows special appreciation for solid foods (cheesy, grateful grin) as opposed to purees
4. Jonah is his favorite person
5. enjoys good company - will move his play area to the more populated room of the house
6. loves to laugh
7. highly inquisitive - loves to examine the contents of the trash can :)
8. can entertain himself - as long as it's off limits, he'll enjoy it for countless hours
9. is happy if Jonah is happy
10. knows what he wants
11. dances like Elvis (jerking leg motion in time to music)
12. loves to point
13. likes to be tickled
14. keeps me company in his high chair while I prepare meals
15. talks up a storm-car, uh-oh, fish, thank god, hi, dada, and lots of incoherent babbling
16. uses his mouth as a third hand
17. puts a hat on face first and then slowly slides it up
18. says uh-oh after he's done something on purpose, like drop a toy
Things I love about Jonah: 1. puts his toys away and in their place without being asked
2. misses his brother during Brady's morning nap, and asks about him
3. loves to make others laugh
4. he's sensitive and caring
5. big on gentle touches
6. has a sense of pride and accomplishment for the small tasks that he achieves
7. loves to applaud himself - besides mommy, daddy, grandma(ama), and uncle Mike he's his biggest fan
8. has the best manners for a two-year old - says: please, thank you, you're welcome, bless you, excuse me
9. always has a toy car with him-especially when watching the movie "Cars"
10. always says "good morning, good night, hello and goodbye"
11. often gets a "love burst" for his baby brother - a term Jeff and I coined while still dating
12. loves a good song to dance to - he even dances while sitting in his booster seat (he makes it work)
13. often caught with a book in his hand (born and bred to be a bookworm)
14. makes a big deal out of company - if you come to visit, he'll give you a welcome you won't forget
15. so friendly to his peers - he loves to smile and say hello (not a mean little bone in his body)
16. such a charmer and a ladies man - he especially goes for the older gals: watch out you preteens
17.sometimes affects a fake snore as he drifts off to sleep at naptime
18. has begun to sing on his own-twinkle, twinkle never sounded so sweet
19.will applaud a performance with great enthusiasm - if you have a speech to give or some other performance, he's the one you'd want to practice in front of
20. his imaginative play is really blossoming - puppy and turtle are having some great late night conversations
21. has an amazing memory
22. at only 2, his grammatical use of articles is phenomenal - although sometimes he thinks he's French (the other day, he didn't appreciate being left exposed in his pull-ups for too long and cried out "le pants, le pants!"
23.says uh-oh when something happens by accident

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