Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's a toy, it's a snack,'s a blanket???

Ever since becoming mobile, Brady has made a wonderful little playmate for Jonah. They get along really well, and are very used to one another's company. Recently however, we have seen the beginnings of a little sibling rivalry over my special blanket. You know the one. We all have it. It stays slung over our couches, and we snuggle underneath it when we are watching TV in the evenings. It keeps us comfy year round (even in the summer, when the house is a little chilly from having run the air conditioner). Mine happens to be beige and made of chenille-it's quite soft and I am very fond of it. Somehow, our boys have gotten it into their heads, that they are the rightful owners of the blanket. Each loves it for different reasons. Brady, like his mommy loves to cuddle with something soft. Jonah enjoys using it as a tent. Many a day, they have played tug-of-war with it in an attempt to claim what they each feel is theirs. They've even taken to snatching it off of me when I am using it! It's a little trying at times, but I figure better a blanket when they're toddlers, than a girl when they are in high school or college!

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