Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Best Christmas

This year's Christmas was probably the most special that I've ever experienced. Although we weren't able to buy our boys all of the things that we would have liked, we had a few special gifts under the tree for them. Material objects aside, it seems this holiday held more meaning than others past. In fact, I believe that because the presents were few, the other blessings of the season were magically magnified, and I am so grateful for that. This year, I was able to witness our two-year old develop an understanding of the Christmas season in more ways than one. First off, he spent many happy moments announcing "Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas," at the top of his little lungs, pretending to be Santa Claus. Secondly, my boys enjoyed not only the more secular symbols that come with the holiday, such as the tree and the presents underneath, the reindeer and the snowmen that adorned houses and stores, but also learned the real reason for the season and that was very special for us as a family. Most of all, I think that our hearts were really warmed because in their own little toddler way, they seemed to understand that Christmas is more about giving than receiving. In so many ways, we have seen this demonstrated in their play and in their conversation. It creates a joy that words can hardly express. Additionally, Jonah has learned the lyrics to more than one Christmas song, including Jingle Bells and We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Hearing his little voice sing the melody to those tunes is more precious than anything that could be wrapped underneath the tree.

Christmas morning was spent at our house, and after the boys opened their presents, Jeff played the music from our blog, while they continued to discover the wonder of their toys. I retreated to the kitchen to cook the ham and sides that I would take to my mother's house in the afternoon. Once we arrived at Ama's (the boys' name for my mom) we had Christmas dinner. Afterward came the best part. Jeff dressed up as Santa Claus and came through the front door jingling bells. He paid Jonah and Brady a visit-Jonah was surprisingly cautious but pleasant, while Brady threw a screaming fit at the sight of the jolly man in red, perhaps because he was so up close and personal. We all laughed and encouraged the boys to sit on Santa's lap. Once he left, Jeff miraculously appeared (having been in the bathroom the whole time, so we told the boys). He missed seeing Santa, just like Clark Kent always misses Superman.

We closed the evening with dessert and a short animated movie called "Santa and the Three Bears," a really precious little film from my childhood that I wanted to share with my own children. Watching them watch the same movie that I saw every year as a little girl warmed my heart so very much-and those dear friends and family are the reasons why I say that this year's Christmas was the best I've ever spent. I hope that yours was as special with your loved ones. From our family to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

A Cummins Christmas Eve

Another fairly new tradition for our little family, is to head down to San Diego on Christmas Eve and spend the day with the Cummins'. It was a great day. Of course, the boys enjoyed playing with their cousins, and everyone enjoyed each other's company.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas all week long

One of the things I love most about this season, is that it prompts lots of mini gatherings with family and friends. This year, we began a new tradition and had Jeff's brother Chris and his family over for a holiday meal. It was nice for the four of us to spend time together while the kids played around the tree. Jonah and Brady are enamored with their cousins Arianna and Natalie, so we are always happy when they have the opportunity to spend quality time with them. After dinner, we all headed to the Mission Inn to take in the Festival of Lights. Everyone had a great time and we look forward to more celebration time with the rest of the Cummins Family on Christmas Eve. Being tickled by Uncle Chris
Amy, serving the delicious cheesecake she made
Amy and the girls, Natalie and Arianna
Jonah and Arianna
The four cousins Brady and Natalie Arianna actually took a pretty good picture of the four of us The Festival of Lights at the Mission Inn

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas, Christmas Everywhere!

This year's decorating festivities were the most fun they've ever been. Jonah and Brady really enjoyed watching Jeff put up the tree and the lights. Right before their eyes, we transformed our house into a Christmas scene and they loved it. They even enjoyed "helping" place an ornament or two on the tree. What I loved was that without being told, they knew not to bother the hanging stockings on the mantel, the garland lining the banister, or the sparkly bulbs that hung from the tree. My boys...they never cease to amaze us. How many other one and two year old's would have adopted the "look but don't touch" policy so successfully and willingly? Because we now have children, this year we decorated the outside as well for them to enjoy. Nothing too grand-I'm sure with time we'll grow our collection of lawn ornaments, but to start, Jeff put two reindeer on the front lawn, decorated the front window, and hung a string of lights along the the garage. It was simple and understated, yet very lovely and festive. We are just so excited about Christmas this year!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

We could have skipped this milestone

The majority of the time, our new experiences as parents are joyous ones, worthy of celebration. This was not the case tonight... I've walked by it hundreds of times over the past two years. It rests on our refrigerator door amid dozens of other magnets. Currently, it keeps the recipe for pecan pie (recently prepared for Thanksgiving) neatly in place. I've even stared at the name and phone number boldly displayed on its surface, never really taking it in, but thank goodness my subconscious knew of its existence. Wondering what on earth I'm referring to...that's it, you guessed it. Tonight, unfortunately, we placed a call to the POISON CENTER HOTLINE!!!

Both our boys are fine. As it turns out, our scare was pretty mild, but it sure caused some calm panic. Long story short-Brady ingested some Desitin, the little stinker! At fourteen months old, he is still putting anything and everything into his mouth. It's not the first time that he has gotten a hold of the tube of diaper creme, but it is the first time that he's gotten it open. The man I spoke with at the center, took Brady's name and our zip code, and then informed me that this was actually a very common call and that Desitin is "mostly" safe. A small amount probably would not affect him, so I was told, and a large amount would likely give him a stomach ache and cause diarrhea. As it turns out, the worst side affect was a bad taste in his mouth-so indicated by the look on his face. We did the best we could, having flushed his mouth out with water and wiped his tongue (we just happen to use the thick and creamy formula).

In the end, after all the panic, and rushed activity, we put him to bed and breathed a sigh of relief that we survived the ordeal!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Car Trouble?

I don't need a mechanic. I'm pretty handy under the hood...
These darn Fisher Price Mustangs, always breaking down on you...
Aha, here's the problem.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Few things warm a mother's heart more than the gratification that comes from serving a meal that has been lovingly prepared for her family-especially when her small children show appreciation in their own special way.

On a daily basis, Jonah discovers new and wonderful concepts. As of late, he has become conscious of his sense of smell, and he is ascertaining the differences between pleasurable scents and repellent smells. Earlier this evening, as I was cooking at the stove, Jonah wandered in with a crinkled face, nose pinched between his index and thumb fingers, and announced, "Smewwy!!"

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Frugal gone Fabulous!?

For over two years now, ever since having become a SAHM (stay-at-home mom), the Cummins family purse strings have been permanently tightened. Going from two incomes to one, definitely has it's repercussions, but they were sacrifices that we (Jeff and I) mutually agreed to accept in order that our boys would have me at home with them. The road to getting the most bang for our buck has been paved with endless coupon clipping, cost cutting, discount shopping, researching freebies, and shopping off of the sales ads at the grocery store.

It hasn't been or felt at all glamorous to say the least, so imagine my surprise as I've begun to notice an increased number of websites and other advertising venues touting bargain bins as the current trend! More and more, I'm noticing advice and tips on shaving off the top a bit without sacrificing style, being generated for the average income earner.

It's a nice idea, especially because the nation's economy is feeling so ill, and everyone is starting to cut corners where they can, but the concept is a little bizarre. I just never thought that when I bought my little coupon file folder at Wal-Mart for .96 cents that I was poising myself to be "in style!"

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dinner by Jonah

Tonight, as I was enjoying some playtime with the boys before I prepared dinner, Jonah found the remnants of Brady's afternoon snack-cheerios in a small spill proof snack cup. Rather than finish off the remaining munchies himself, as I expected him to, he was suddenly moved to share them instead.

One by one Brady and I took turns having cheerios lovingly, yet forcefully shoved in our mouths. I couldn't bring myself to refuse the snack at first, because we have been working so diligently lately on the concept of sharing. Brady obliged Jonah with each offering and obediently opened his mouth just like a little baby bird. I on the other hand, started to tire of the taste after a while and gently and courteously tried to refuse any further handfuls. I even used his usual words for telling me he is done with a meal. Jonah would not hear of it, and he promptly adopted the phrases that I use when I am trying to coax him into finishing a meal that he has lost interest in. With each "No, thank you that I recited, he came back with "open up," "try it," and "have some more." By the time we were finished, I was no longer hungry for the dinner that I was about to prepare! Luckily, Brady's appetite was still wet.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Giving Thanks

This year's Thanksgiving dinner was small, but special. In previous years, in fact as far back as I can remember, all of my extended family (maternal): grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins would gather at my grandmother's house for big holiday celebrations. It's what I grew up on, and at one point it's what I'd hoped that my children would experience as well.

Life however is not stagnant. It is forever moving and changing, and we have to change with it. As the years have gone by there have been divorces, separations, deaths, and additions to our ever evolving family and inevitably we outgrew my grandmother's house. For awhile there we were taking turns hosting the biggies: Thanksgiving, Christmas, however, much of that is fading away. The cherished get-together's and traditions are dying, but new ones are cropping up to replace them. It is sort of bittersweet. I am somewhat saddened at the loss of our big family holidays, but I find comfort in the new traditions that lie ahead in wait.

Now that I have my little family we have been gathering at my mother's house where Jonah and Brady can begin creating their own childhood memories. This year, we had a great time. We certainly weren't lacking for food. Despite the smaller number, we still churned out a feast. We had the pleasure of having my grandmother at our Thanksgiving table and one of my mother's siblings-her brother. Wednesday, we had a pre-Thanksgiving with the Cummins family down in San Diego. It's been a great holiday, and I'm looking forward to Christmas. Here are a few things of many that I am thankful for:

1. Jonah and Brady
2. My family-Husband, Mother, Brother and our health
3.Being a Stay-at-home mom
4.God's provisions
5.Little hugs, and little kisses
6.Sweet voices that speak "Hi, Mommy"
7.My home
8.Nap time
9. My DVR (digital video recorder)