Sunday, November 30, 2008

Frugal gone Fabulous!?

For over two years now, ever since having become a SAHM (stay-at-home mom), the Cummins family purse strings have been permanently tightened. Going from two incomes to one, definitely has it's repercussions, but they were sacrifices that we (Jeff and I) mutually agreed to accept in order that our boys would have me at home with them. The road to getting the most bang for our buck has been paved with endless coupon clipping, cost cutting, discount shopping, researching freebies, and shopping off of the sales ads at the grocery store.

It hasn't been or felt at all glamorous to say the least, so imagine my surprise as I've begun to notice an increased number of websites and other advertising venues touting bargain bins as the current trend! More and more, I'm noticing advice and tips on shaving off the top a bit without sacrificing style, being generated for the average income earner.

It's a nice idea, especially because the nation's economy is feeling so ill, and everyone is starting to cut corners where they can, but the concept is a little bizarre. I just never thought that when I bought my little coupon file folder at Wal-Mart for .96 cents that I was poising myself to be "in style!"

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