Monday, November 24, 2008

The Age of the Blog

We've been blogging since July, and have been having a great time doing so. It's so nice to be able to share on a regular basis the goings-on of our family. I can post stories of not only the big milestones, but also the little quirky day-to-day things that happen. These are the little anecdotes that make up our family persona, if you will.

Last night, Jeff and I were talking about what day we would be pulling out the Christmas tree and decorations, and the conversation went on to include all of the other things that go along with the Holiday-including the annual Christmas letter that we began two years ago after we had Jonah. We wondered if there would actually be a need for it this year. The blog seems to have inadvertently elbowed out it's quickly aging predecessor, because of course the letter serves to update our family and friends of our lives over the course of the year. Not necessary now. If we want to update anyone, now all we have to do is send them an email with on it. Kind of sad, don't you think. Heck, we even have the "Christmas paper." I just changed the blog background to reflect a Christmas theme, and there's even theme music for your listening enjoyment! Can't do that on paper! And let's not forget that in a continuing effort to remain a "green" family-a blog eliminates the need for paper, cards, and envelopes, so we're saving some trees.

Still, I'm not decided yet on whether or not I will cancel this year's letter. There are some people on our mailing list without access to the Internet. I'm a traditionalist-I've never been secretive about that- and I don't like change:) Stay tuned to see what we decide...

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