Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween 2008-Cummins style

For as long as we have been married, Jeff and I have celebrated Halloween simply by staying home and handing out candy-we always spring for the good stuff, all chocolate! Once the boys came into our lives, we knew that our tradition would eventually metamorphose as they became old enough to partake in the festivities. This is actually Jonah's 3rd Halloween. He was 3 mo. old during the first, and 15 mo. old for the second, while Brady was a mere 2 weeks old last year, during his first Halloween.

This year at the ages of 2 and 1, we decided to attempt a small sampling of the trick-0r-treating scene, with our own twist. Anyone who knows us well, knows that we have very strong feelings about sugar in our boys' diet.

I made prior arrangements with my father and two other family friends to visit their homes and have them give the boys small toys in lieu of candy (I found some fun stuff in the dollar bins at Target and drove them over to the houses earlier in the week). Jonah learned the phrase "trick or treat," but I don't think he quite grasped the whole concept. Getting them in and out of their car seats while they were in those thick outfits proved a hassle, but other than that it was fun-and different from what we were used to.

We made it back home in time to hand out our own candy to some trick-or-treaters, and Jonah and Brady enjoyed sitting on the floor examining their loot. They looked so cute all dressed up that Jeff and I got another brainstorm. We decided to start collecting costumes for the boys to play with on a daily basis. We both have extensive backgrounds in community theater and are eager to share our passion with the boys.

I went to Toys R Us on Saturday hoping to find discounted costumes, but 50% off wasn't enough of a markdown for me. I'm going to try again in a few days, when hopefully they'll be down to 75% off. Now that's a deal!

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