Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day Out With Thomas

Often times, I'll finish a great book, a good movie, or even watch the season finale of a favorite television show and be filled with a sense of sadness and loss. I get tangled in the lives of these characters and they become my good pals, so it's no wonder that I feel like I'm losing the friendship when it's time to say goodbye. In the case of a book, it's always such a special treat when some movie studio decides that these made up people are worthy of having their world brought to life on the big screen. Then, not only do I get more time with my good friends, but I'm also privileged to put a face with the name (even if it is only an actor), and that is such a thrill. The only thing greater than that would be to meet them in person.

Therein lies one of the many magical aspects of childhood. Numerous beloved characters of children's books, TV shows, and movies are found at amusement parks, birthday parties, and specialty events. Today, my boys experienced a bit of that joy and magic at the Perris Railway Museum when we spent a Day out With Thomas. Both Jonah and Brady are absolutely enamored with the little blue "cheeky one" from Thomas and Friends. They love trains period, but Thomas and his pals hold a very special place in their hearts.

It was a great day! We rode the Thomas train of course, posed for a picture with him, and then rode the caboose train (we happened to sit in a VERY old and dusty Santa Fe car [that part wasn't so great]) and a cable car. A nice picnic lunch on the grass followed and then we took in the Bob the Builder show. Jonah knew who Bob was prior to our visit, but the show familiarized him even more and now he often asks to see a Bob episode.

Other activities included a trip or two around the children's maze made of hay, and Thomas tattoos (temporary, of course). Brady received his while he was sleeping-he woke up and there it was! See what happens when you can't hold your milk:) We finished the day with some play time in the Imaginarium where the kids were able to play with a bunch of Thomas tables that were set up (of course to entice the parents into purchasing one before they left).

I must admit, by that time the boys were starting to get cranky from having missed nap time, so trying to pry Jonah away from the tables without too much of a scene didn't go over so well, but we were able to distract him with the petting zoo right outside. Of course, we couldn't actually touch the goats or ponies because Jeff's allergies would have kicked up, so again, we had a little protesting from Jonah before we actually left the park.

The day wouldn't have been complete without a little souvenir, so we purchased a Thomas balloon on our way out. Helium balloons are much loved in our home. Cheap entertainment that lasts for weeks!

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